Pollen Masters, Industry Leading American Made Dry Sift Tumblers and Kief Extractors

SHO Botanicals, a subsidiary of SHO Labs, is a leading processor and distributor of wholesale hemp and CBD internationally. We are committed to building supply chains, GMP level standards, and infrastructure to create worldwide access to CBD and CBD derived products.

Isolate + Distilate

Isolate + Distilate

High-quality, domestically sourced bulk CBD available.

Pollen Master 500 Kief Collector and Dry Sift Extraction


Fast, discreet, and convenient. Gummies, tinctures, capsules and more.

Pollen Master 1500 Kief Tumbler and Dry Sift Collector


Localized applications with our selecetion of slaves, creams, and other topical products.

Pollen Master 4500 handle 10 Lbs of trim, flower, leaves or stems in a single use.


Rechargable, portable, and compact batteries and cartridges .

The Farm Bill signed into effect 2/20/2018, provides the legal framework to sell CBD based products and raw material in all 50 states and around the country. SHO has existing relationships with 3,000 headshops around the country and has two of the largest retail e-commerce brands in the cannabis market at its disposal. We will utilize our relationships, with both headshops and dispensaries, to build world class brands and the largest distribution footprint in the industry.

Our Clients:

SHO Botanicals provides a variety of services including branding, white labeling, manufacturing, co-packing, acceleration, and distribution for a wide range of brands including: Cococanna, Im Bue Botanicals, Pure Potent, and more.


Commonly Asked Questions About CBD and distribution.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is one of over 60+ naturally occurring cannabinoid compounds found in Cannabis, an annual herbaceous flowering plant. CBD oil is derived from an organic substance formed in the plant’s secretions.

How does CBD work?

CBD primarily interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, a grouping of millions of cannabinoid receptors found throughout your body, but are primarily clustered in the brain and central nervous system. While CBD is a phytocannabinoid, or plant-based cannabinoid, your body also naturally produces cannabinoids, known as endocannabinoids. Almost every organ of your body, including your skin and digestive tract, contains cannabinoid receptors.

What is the endocannabinoid system (ECS)?

“The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a group of endogenous cannabinoid receptors located in the mammalian brain and throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems, consisting of neuromodulatory lipids and their receptors.” Wikipedia

There are two main types of receptors in the ECS, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are primarily located in the central nervous system and brains of mammals, and CB2 are generally found in the peripheral nervous system. There are two main cannabinoids mammals produce- 2AG and Anandamide (named after the Sanskrit term “Ananda,” which translates to “peace”).

For hundreds of millions of years every vertebrate on Earth has been equipped with this ECS, a crucial system in the body, and it has been known about in the scientific and medical communities since the 1980’s. However, it’s still not taught about in most medical schools.

What is the difference between CBD oil and 100% hemp oil?

Hemp oil is the name given any oil derived from the hemp plant; CBD oil is an oil containing high amounts of CBD, made from either the hemp or the cannabis plant. While much CBD oil is also hemp oil, not all hemp oil is CBD oil; hemp oil made from the seeds of the hemp plant will not contain active CBD.

How do I get CBD? Do you Ship?

Yes, we offer domestic shipping to US.

 ** Shipping Rates Apply

Where does your biomass come from?

Agricultural hemp can be grown for food, fiber, construction materials, and in our case, for CBD. California is a premier location to cultivate hemp, our domestically sourced bio-mass comes from leading California hemp farms which offer sustainably grown, professionally tested, high CBD (10-15%) low THC (below %0.03) bulk material.


“It couldn’t have been easier to work with the SHO Botanicals team. They helped throughout the entire process and Im thrilled with the results!”


Coconut and Hemp based skincare

“There are many obstacles to navigate in the burgeoning hemp industry and I’ve worked with partners  who struggled to stay on top of the changes. SHO Botanicals made things incredibly smooth and comfortable. They’re obviously well experienced.” 

- Jake B.

Hemp Farmer - California

“The distribution network available here is well-equipped and wide-reaching. We are able to quickly get products into shops and customers hands across the country almost immediately.”

- Pure Potent

CBD Products


SHO Botanicals is here to provide you with more information
and create an effective solution for your needs. Contact us today.

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833-teamSHO (833-832-6746)